Ongoing Events

Drop-in Medicare support

Come by the club every 1st & 3rd Wednesday* at 9:00am to meet with Mark Fuchs, an experienced Medicare broker, to get help with any Medicare-related questions you have.

This is good for anyone approaching 65 and/or retirement, or currently on Medicaid/Medicare with questions. No cost, free to the public support!

If you can’t make one of those times, click the image to contact him and set up a time to meet.

*through September. Dates will adjust for the months of October - December during the Annual Enrollment Period.

Drop in Acupuncture!!!
Every Wednesday & Friday
from 2pm to 5pm

All services are FREE at this time.

This Expungement Clinic is hosted in partnership with PCC CLEAR Clinic on the first 3 Mondays of every month.

We are very excited to extend these important services to our community!

For room availability and special events contact: